Hear Treasures in My Chest Now!

While the companion book won't be published until late February, we have an advance download release of the album available now! Treasures in My Chest is a 15-song, 50 minute musical journey you won't soon forget - inspired by Andrew's incredible experiences and discoveries as he explored his family's history.

Own the album download for $12 right now from our Bandcamp webstore below, or get the download while pre-ordering the book too! When you click the Buy link on the player, simply set the amount at $25 to pre-order the e-reader/Kindle version, or $40 to get the paperback with free shipping - signed and sent as soon as we have them. Preorders/donations over $25 before January 1st also gets you the download of Andrew's Live: Bound for Glory concert recording as a thank you. We handle all the Bandcamp orders from here, so we'll let you know we got it, when we have the book ready to send to you, and a final check in to make sure you got it and are able to enjoy it!

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