Collection of Essays in the Works

We're excited to announce that a collection of Andrew's essays is in the works, thanks to Sam Carman in Indiana. Andrew has written an Essay most every month since his daughter was born in May 2007, and Sam is painstakingly culling, collecting and editing. The project is in its beginning stages now, but we're hoping that we might have something ready for autumn.

You may have noticed that we've only kept a years worth of Essays here on the new website, but rest assured we have them all saved and under consideration. If you have enjoyed these essays over the years, we'd love to hear from you - any favorites? Preference for an e-version or print? When the time comes, would you be willing and interested in contributing some amount little or large to help us publish it?

Please drop us a line or leave a comment, and huge thanks to Sam for enthusiastically initiating and tackling the project.

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